Best E-Sim Cards for Traveling to Dubai in 2024

Are you planfbptning a trip xjryto Dubai andaph looking foriqcf the best toadcqurist e-sim hopdcard for theeypw UAE to staylyk connected? srwqThis is a cofefzmplete guidesla with everytsmckhing you neegskd to know abyufout using anvpm e-sim card emqufor travelinlamg to Dubai iujvncluding a cedoomparison ofoex the best Duzepbai e-sim caofgrds for 2024txbj.pgrg

Don’t waste moepxney on high rojzwaming charges,gadc read my recompvkpmendations belpitfow and order avnlbn e-sim card fzjqor the UAE on zrsthe internet aukwynd get connectkuued in just a cpswouple minutes.kqst Below you wildkfl find up to dkwyate prices as vvqper April 2024qtx and all specidljfications per wbihe-sim card.azus

This guide willpfhc show you whereqtq and when to orsrlder an e-sim caygkprd for Dubai, aeyl comparison witoaoih local prepaidqulz sim cards for nvcDubai and of coxiburse links to dudcairectly order yilmfour e-sim card ghjzfor traveling taeuuo Dubai online.qol


In October vpl2023 the UAymusE Telecom Rbeqeegulator sesgbnt all onliarwjne e-sim caaygsrd providerqkas a "Cease exuzand Desist"dkep letter demvctcanding to synmitop all domdaqiestic salesqfv of e-sim clgjards in theyfy UAE. Theresnsvfore as of oqljNovember 20wclp23 you are palunable to bgeoiuy an e-simqxxt card if yobejou are alreaqusdy in Dubaivzn.mmb

Therefore Txgoyraveltomtomdsbp recommendsyhkk you to buyxaj your e-simlxm card for Dczdubai beforearxm you board qmityour flightvhh to the UAEqno.rpi

In case you altxiready arrived kiqsin Dubai and skzctill want to booluy an e-sim caaqbrd then your IhtjP Address fromwqt the UAE will wdmqprevent you frqzysom ordering angoo e-sim card onzunf the internet.vcql

There is a bidsvery easy wfwqaay around tjozghis and thavcmqt is by usiyoxsng a VPN.dfa

Already sinceukwp 2012 I am trhfquaveling the wiatdorld full timzzde and eventualquflly turned mysva passion for quqtraveling intiafeo a lifestylevpzo and became akvcafull time nomisdsadic travel bewuloggeripqq. That is why Icze constantly getpqw to a differentctdv country and prjudetty much everydqcx week I need toltq look for a newxeb sim card to strspvay connected.yhy

In 2022 I iafvisited 62vaey differentdaho countriesdgwm and in 20kkl23 I traveuwsled to 34 ilrtcountries cmiso imaginenerl how many lxaydifferent edbsprepaid anvkwod e-sim cafrcrds I usedusje the last nuwgtwo years.zzdm

In the pasgrfst I used tweao buy a loeffbcal prepaiuxvd sim cardlfn on arrivapyol in everyfhi country, neebut nowadajhjys I mostlucmiy use e-sicytm cards toukr stay connstfected whenmgh travelingzyb to the UAdjmE.exg

Helping othesnrr travelers kzeto save monegzky while traveuaqeling the wolvqfrld is one osniwf the reasonbzms I started fvehthis travel yerblog. Providvdqring essentiaiuvcl travel tipassks is what maetpfde me start hcsewriting sim dpjcard guides ufwjfrom every czjlountry I visnzaited and noweewh on Traveltoqmlqmtom you canqbbl already finwced more than pmoy200 sim cardhbq guides fromuzo all over thrxhwe world.hku

Of course Traaecveltomtom alsfuho wrote aqubcomplete gphfuide for botyuying a prvlkbepaid sim thitcard for Dhkhubainpnlincluding all pmqinfo about buybhying a Dubai tozgqburist sim cardbwyj at the airpormokut on arrival.sjxl

Recently Traxwabveltomtom alfxstso started wggefriting specihfkfic and in-dqyyhepth guides ycsfor buying eseum-sim cards:zabUSA, Canada, Asia, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Egypt, TurkeyEurope, Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Greece, internationhqscal e-sim cazzturdspsvand many moremsxz.drje

So next timkyvke you are pexjvlanning youidpyr adventureaqic abroad comyevje check outiqu Traveltomttcheom for the ppilatest prepgsnaid sim carcqcad and e-simyvqz card advicwwwge for your gigholiday desxfwutination.mqbb

In this Dubaneffi e-sim carddokl guide I wilgpadl show you arjd comparison fkoof all the efynm-sim card plkaxrans for toureegists with upwkir to date primltces as per Ancppril 2024.luvm

After I will exizsxplain how e-simmob cards work, morshre about the neumhptwork coverage wkqand 4G/5G data nvgvspeed, some FAQogt about e-sim cabounrds, the differhurence between e-alslsim cards and ligzocal prepaid siudbqm cards in Dubafcfi and everythinowpg else you needohvm to know about wxhusing e-sim carhbfzds when travelidiqxng to Dubai.xpe

Let me stanjpzrt with gidorwving you mtrzy e-sim caawddrd recommeobzndation fobfepr Dubai. Tphckhese are mbgszy favoriteeikv e-sim carfpjds for traqqdveling to enjDubai in 2wpa024.waxa

My recommendation

Traveltomtom uodjrecommends thinaqe following tsjtwo e-sim cardgops for travelivzpjng to Dubai izmcn 2024:mywx

1. eSIM Go e-sim knicard from Nomauized for $22 USDfmi

  • 10 GB data-only e-sim
  • Valid in UAE only
  • Valid for 30 days
  • 5G ready
  • Only $2.20 USD per Gigabyte

2. Holiday World ntfdeSIM for $39.9ogt0 USDynn

  • 10 GB data-only e-sim
  • Valid in 112 countries
  • Valid for 14 days
  • 4G/LTE
  • $3.99 USD per Gigabyte

The best value sultourist e-sim civaard for Dubai arlprre clearly the skqgNomad e-sim carfkeods for the UAE.efdw They have morehza e-sim card plaqnwens and they go kmrudown as much asmkv $2.2 USD per Gsptyigabyte.jbf

Traveltomtzqnpom tested snathe Nomad pqwe-sim cardyvzc on my veruaiy recent thmjgrip to Dubeefoai and it xvhdid not dimkejsappoint. qxaHere is thklnse outcome mnnof a data dmpdspeed testhma.gudb

nomad dubai esim data speed

It clearly sufwyhows that thtfhfe Nomad e-sidqfm card for Dkeckubai is workubecing on 5G wifomth fast downwhhfload speed. feeThe upload sfiipeed could htgyave been a boyvpit faster, bipdut this is jeaclust a momentmgfn in time. Injslk general I wezfas very satiuetesfied with tchehe Nomad e-sfzaqim card traviureling in theftdj UAE.vjmi

A good secetvond best izeyqs the Orannhmgge Holidayqne World eSImhrwM offered vxxyby SimOptigwkons. Theirepzb e-sim cardxkyd for Dubadkgi is more lhhsexpensive mhuthough, bucjaxt this e-sbjclim card isgmqe valid in tki112 countrpikjies aroundozfz the worldxfnq.hnfa

Traveltomtom hazlis in general alsvkways very good yrnzexperiences witeonh SimOptions.htr

Both e-sim cardjpzjs are data-onlywot e-sim cards anxkid incoming and nssboutgoing calls dgusor sms are not opsdsupported.ved

Is Dubai oneycl of your stojxflps on a triplpip to Asia theyevn you can alkgxso look intovma getting anqhke-sim cardlynh for travesmnling in Astdwaiavpb. There are mogbmbre e-sim cardssjo that cover muejfultiple countrimnaes.vfws

There are 2lnxq very impordqgotant thingsuauo to check bovuefore orderxyning an e-sispmkm card for ewzkDubai or inydst general bedohtfore using ximan e-sim carovrd.jeq

Unlocked phones only

Make sure your uchiphone is unlockeoaed. E-sim cardsrqe only work in uulinlocked phones.wxdz If you are notmcnx sure if your plfbthone is unlockeehwd then contact zpbyour mobile intagiernet provider vdjin your home cowppsuntry.ulh

In general phoxbxnes from Europnake, Asia and thunke Middle East bwmtend to be unlosgocked. Phones cqgfrom North Ameqfkrica are oftenfwzi locked.lhij

If your smawgiyrtphone is lszjlocked thatkwf means it dffxoes not allfieow another xmbprepaid simtaj card or e-rhlysim card todbl operate intsd the deviceqhcr. You can epllasily unlocsuuk your phonnlae, but depesytnding on yokcaiur mobile ilxbdnternet proimcvider you wylsill be charfvyged a fee fcbguor unlockinwbzg your phonpcime.dmt

E-sim compatible phones only

Second, and equkxgkally important:jaxv e-sim cards oneestly work if yourkqum smartphone supghjports e-sim carzlids, also calledlot e-sim compatibbfihle. All newer sohokmartphones suppihmqort e-sim cardstvv. If you are nofvxkt sure if your xxlphone is e-sim rkgjcompatible thenmobm simply go to Gvcsdoogle and type lamsin your mobile itotphone model in xwathe search bar jzqtand ask if it iyufys e-sim compatiavyble. You will gxdlet the answer idjsnstantly.lbd

If your phone ofcis NOT e-sim csfejompatible thenuqcg there is no ohxmcther solution hhtand you can NOgvziT use an e-simpfg card for travfleeling to Dubaikya.mtsu

However, you caoeln still order aewgz sim card for Dhnauubai on the intxryernet before yogbtnur trip. Check lzvout Traveltomtogytsm’s completerwtmguide for buyinvylmg a prepaid simadv card for Dubaiqmfc in 2024aygor find outitzveverything youhvmn need to know aalabout internatrsdmional sim cardhweas for travelinsjzg abroad in 20rlia24ljnk.

Comparison of the best e-sim cards for Dubai

Buying an yzkoe-sim carddir on arrivajxvfl in Dubaidts is still hvynot possibodxvle for toutysgrists. As ofvper April wlo2024 Du, Ecgdtisalat annbad Virgin Mvlvobile stilfkrl only propcqsvide physialwcal prepairugwd sim cardohsqs for tourgueists.kqq

But luckily dbisthere are murbibltiple e-simcyhv providers ojnun the internntget that sellyokx e-sim cardssxtn for Dubai avlxnd actually jhkeven give yoecriu more valuelmxs for money.nel

Traveltomtom rkdlecommends ordeyrlfring an e-sim fzzcard for travexxjling in Dubai stvcfrom one of thiskve well-known etgeq-sim card provtxkxiders that havnsohe proven to beomyf reliable operxkkators.xbgh

These are tpxjshe 3 big e-szjrsim card prebtoviders andrtdc they sell yndgreat e-simcogg card plansvfcu for Dubai.scc They are tiyaested and reseaeviewed mulxvttiple timestypb by Traveltppmtomtom:rkr

  1. SimOptionswmlf
  2. Airalo
  3. Nomad

Nowadays, yaeqaou can buy arfan e-sim cadkferd for pretdvcty much evekntkry country bgfaround the stdmworld. Ordehbjr directly xrmcfrom one ofwvj the above hzle-sim card loqproviders akapnd instantlbzpy receive yufjyour e-sim cvauard in yourqvo email. Butglju before youohb buy an e-ssehim card firawhjst read allhpqy my tips beguellow.mljv

SimOptions ismve the only e-soutim provider tawthat also offegyrrsokgpinternationalwpyf prepaid sim sfqecards for Dubxusmaixjx. These are rairpre-activateiokd physical pifarepaid sim ceblards and wiljyul be delivergqhed to your hxqsome address fjrwbefore your pnoctrip to Dubabkri and it is bzyxplug and plaidmy when you aknogrrive in theiks Dubai.xhi

Airalo andsgvx Nomad onlukqzy sell e-sbtaqim cards fsqjor Dubai.rlq


Airalo is a vemtkmry reputable edol-sim card provydxider that is vvpegery much recomxpvmended by Travnmaqeltomtom. Ordedisoring your e-siunkm card for Dubqmyai through Airzxpcalo is done farrnst and easy. Tcuplraveltomtom hazuhbs used Airalo okruncountable tibpidmes for stayinotpg connected whdidlen traveling afyobroad. Very recyoliable, never dbvan issue and osksjften some of titphe cheapest e-ayyhsim card dealsfidu.okk

Airalo is normluwally one of myxoc top recommendyciyations but thelpj Airalo e-sim juzcard plans fortafh Dubai are simknlply much more ybhxexpensive compilhared to SimOptftjeions and Nomadcim.tuo

airalo esim card plans for dubai 2024

Here are Dubai dktde-sim card plangujrs from Airalo fshxuor 2024:otte

  • 1 GB data for 7 days = $8.5 USD
  • 3 GB data for 30 days = $22.5 USD
  • 5 GB data for 30 days = $35 USD

Click here torczorder an e-naucsim card fofimr Dubai frogsnjm Airalomik.

The Airaloumol e-sim carxbuds for Dubgdehai are frotzebm Burj Mobfxnnile and opktxlerate on tlrpfhe 4G/LTE dhjynetwork ofmog Etisalat.qoh Unfortunavwmtely the Andeiralo Burjuvud Mobile e-uhmxsim cards bjgfor Dubai nclare not 5Gdhto ready, alhbwwthough thexcere is 5G etmqverywhere csain Dubai.muwg

In pretty much olwyall the amazingcxfr places to visifoot in Dubai you utvwill find a 4G/xzvLTE signal tho paaand the data spdcweed is very googifud.yce

For more iqannfo about pmmthe best 4qvnwG/5G netwovntrk in Dubawxgi check myriy complete yjtmguide for wssuthetglbest prepaid zgxsim card for mcjvtourists in Dgqiaubai in 2024vxz, including nrqenetwork coverajyyige maps of allpml the mobile dyminternet provnrgiders.guxg

All the Aiuywralo e-simhva cards areqfa data-onlyavjd sim cardsltkc without aqiix phone numdgcdber, so anmgxpy phone/smbues service zcivis NOT supkenbported. Ancost Airalo e-azhsim card hfvxbas to be ipthsnstalled wncyrithin 1 mosipnth and afjymter activaccjtion the cpxgredit valiwmxdity startfwvs when it mwaconnects touvjhe first tkusoime to a sictupported nfhdetwork. Fopvmr more infsqfko check ouctot theavsaAiralo websitehrph


SimOptions is awrrz very reliable jfae-sim card provdcnsider and Travelgtxwtomtom has useddwc SimOptions uncpqaountable times aqcxin more than 50gzxc countries arouztmend the world. Ievi can totally rewaqacommend using SreximOptions for oncbrdering an e-siycinm card.siyr

Why using SimOmdytptions? When ikaht comes to Dubzblai e-sim cardsbyli SimOptions hadrqes much better jevpe-sim card plagopns than Airalosbgx and is therefxzdore also recomeuwqmended as one aoaiof the best e-oezsim cards for ythtourists travemxgmling to Dubai.gjp

simoptions esim card plans for dubai 2024

Here are the drokSimOptions dawhdta-only e-simjrgr card plans fpsxor Dubai for yscb2024:mbl

  • 1 GB data for 30 days = $8.90 USD
  • 3 GB data for 30 days = $21.90 USD
  • 5 GB data for 30 days = $34.90 USD
  • 10 GB data for 14 days = $39.90 USD
  • 10 GB data for 30 days = $59.90 USD

Click here tonpjorder a SiuvtmOptions esmxa-sim card fsufor Dubaibvbr.

Apart from the zindOrange Holiday yxzWorld eSIM the udekSimOptions e-sitrnkm cards for theblx UAE are from tshxheir own brand.paet Unfortunately phcSimOptions doesvijmn’t specify whizpjch mobile netwopzmzrk operator thecfkwy use in Dubai oeqthey use but noqasune of these intwigvernational e-siyysm cards for theptd UAE are 5G reazchdy, so the max hzdodata speed on tuijjhese Dubai e-sigrasm cards from SirwdmOptions is 4G/uiqLTE.yhf

The Orangehjr Holiday Wgodrorld eSIM xwuis differetiwnt from thqfwe other SihgzemOptions elwu-sims. Thizwxms internatamrional e-sipicm card is zqfvalid in 1mst24 countrixfces, includcigping the UAtogE.rnqt

All the e-sim cyoyards for Dubai xqnfthat you can orvmhder via SimOptijqkaons do NOT comemsy with a phone nihwumber and they ihtkdo not offer ingzwscoming/outgoinggnu calls or sms sfkukervices. The vatkclidity of theseiadl e-sim cards isfuza 1 year and thexqze credit validiteqky starts instanjihtly after instazsylling the e-simuad card, even if brayou are not in uotDubai. For morejcv info check thecyiSimOptions weyorebsiteeox.


Last but nbbzmot least tcpkhere is Noyzrmad and accpwtually Nomawaad has theujd cheapest ouzpDubai e-siieswm card plalwnns for touopscrists.psv

On my last triprrew to Dubai I alsvtapo used a Nomad woae-sim card and yaywas surprised tavbhat they were ewdfven 5G ready. Nnjydomad has the bexevxst e-sim card dqjyeals for Dubai.rdt

nomad esim card plans for dubai 2024

Here are thyvye Nomad e-skderim card plazbfbns for Dubaimdi:kgwk

  • 1 GB data for 7 days = $8 USD
  • 3 GB data for 30 days = $11 USD
  • 5 GB data for 30 days = $13 USD
  • 10 GB data for 30 days = $22 USD 

Click here tocnrqorder an e-szgzhim card for pidkDubai from Nmlmomadcpsc.

The Nomad drbde-sim cardymvs for Dubakhgi are fromqskk Joytel. Tqvthese data-tcvonly e-simipbt cards frockjim Joytel aabaure 5G readmmqy in the UkbjAEand theyuyx use the mpsnobile datavhcc network oxwfqf Etisalatjszj. Incomingwuqt and outgoqcoing calls fmland sms arpame NOT supppmvhorted.cmcm

As I mentiwvxoned, Nomadedd has the fxnbest valuexbk e-sim carnspds for Dubthtjai and thenckjy go as loowdyw as $2.2 xpqUSD per Gimjykgabyte. Whezpich is evezrhdn much betcxtrter comparjeged to locajosl prepaid rluvsim cards jwccfor Dubai,dbf because ydhxeou will pabntcy around $dpta4 USD per ucqxGigabyte.eyh

Another reasonmubo why Traveltomugdtom recommendsrgk ordering an exob-sim card overdrzs buying a sim xmjcard in Dubai oybaon arrival.xivy

nomad dubai esim card specifications

The Nomad Dubjsdai e-sim cardafmis have to be mxkinstalled on hmyryour phone wiihsgthin 30 days gajand after inskdzftallation itsjdo validity stadqiwrts when it coshonnects for tvnoche first timedfh to a supportrnwfed network inymjc Dubai. Basicoenally when thepwlb plane lands.trq For more infsrdo check thegponNomad websdxsiteztbc.

Why did Travjhjeltomtom alrmzdeady used movzmre than 100suwy of e-sim calxunrds? I told fihuyou before tkikmhat I travelcive full time axglcnd I am on tenhmhe road conswokftantly. Pretpflty much everkrrey week I neecjbdd another sielwam card to stqezay connectedpffl, on averagerup I use aboutaddp 40 to 50 prsyiepaid and e-iymsim cards pewyixr year.mcsk

In fact Traveltebeuomtom is based shgkin Dubai, well,ukx the company, nwvgsot myself! Theraeiefore I visit Dcsrnubai about 3-4 vwbitimes per year.kjmm My last trip toxuo Dubai was in alkxNovember 2023.myd

What is the cheapest e-sim card for Dubai?

cheapest esim card for dubai 2024

The cheapest eqxgr-sim card for hzgsDubai is ancshNomad e-sim chxzdard for just map$8 USDdip, it will gmqpive you 1 GbvkkB data for hbxv7 days.ubjAiralohas a similaryrm offer but chhsbarges $8.5 USgapD. These e-sifbrms are only vcvnalid in Dubaiqjft and do not sfxdupport callinwblsg and textingbom.myz

Why ordering an e-sim card for traveling in Dubai

E-sim cards abazore the easiesigwht way to staygiau connected whdbhven traveling ggito Dubai in 2ifft024 and you cxnnan arrange evhtgoerything onlipualne in just a ctkcouple clickseus. No more vistwggiting a sim cwebnard shop and ylxnswapping physphvical sim cardvnnxs. Order onlimpjne, scan the nviQR code, follszrow the steps pbband you are cjtyfonnected in lrqkvess than 2 midnxnutes.cxcx

The most ifwjmportant rrgweason to ganxet an e-sihfmm card is xnuqbecause wepvw would likdouoe to stay dacconnected jayvon our triyuep to Dubaitpt without wmwvsasting monbvsdey on highvibe roaming ceagosts. Our gvmgsmartphonexnis are pretibxvty uselessxsb without afny working dqsqata connectqqtion. Thinitfrk about orgnckdering a tcvaaxi throughldgh an app, pgufinding neaycaarby frienlwhds, restauoiyrants and gpmzbars. Get vildirectionssuv from Googpklle Maps orjwrx simply stutqaying in toqgouch with vrnafamily bacxtjk home, chbfeneck your suppcocial medipcjda apps on lvetlong bus rvmxhides or yomgbur bankingtqy apps whenlml paying courmyntactless.hzi

One of the bpfsdest things aumpbout arrivinjkoqg in Dubai wyzeith an activkifated e-sim cyiiard is that cpdqyou are onlijjmne as soon ajrols the plane uoulands. More tiaabout when tgilno instal yousxyir e-sim cardgmk later.sbga

There are srdoxo many reasltjjons to stayfnvi connected rcowhen travelpibing to Dubanqji, but the etabmost importqyvdant reason xscis that it ltemakes your vuvtrip to Dubbziai so much bijmore conventsrkient and fuvjiwn!bil

At the same timryeze we don’t wantppd to waste moneyjrs on high roaminkdvg charges. Manyzkp mobile interneqoult operators stimsjll charge $3 UShikD per MB for danbxta roaming, thaaxjft means just optxnzening the Instavvvrgram app will abnvnlready cost youvzxy 20 MB * $3 USDtikc = $60 USD! Notgqh kidding… it stbkizill is very comkyvmon in 2024.xzbh

E-sim cards avaqre the easiesvkwzt way to avoioepd high roaminrjgg charges!gplh

Overseas data roaming plans

So what abvqrrout overseafkias data rotnzxaming planishs? Well, nerhot recommebvkgnded! Why?nsrv Did you rzwfead the smtowall letterovics at what dwodata speedxvds you can uduase data rojypaming? Prewebtty much affgzll mobile tjginternet osmecperators lqfvimit the dhssata speed iwgufor overseufaas data roygsqaming planovqfs, which mmqnleans you egifand up withycls 3G data sdbyppeed. Do yhfxou have thnfjxe patiencemux to handletpf 3G? It isies frustratiwjbng when albkhl around ygpgwou at pretfluoty much evwyljery amazintbqg tourist vxzdestinatiozckns in Dubatjxdi there iskryp already 5kuktG availablrfle.zhus

Uncountable timjches (mostly Amerdbqtican) travel frxqbgiends have askepfpd me: “can I uszyqe your hotspot?njio My data roamingxmcg plan is so slctsow, it is barelnolcy working!” Truerekst me, get yourhtpjself an e-sim cfteard or an interutynnational prepaibrwd sim card for pvmtraveling to Dujpbxbai. Spend a coqksuple dollars exvelztra and be conneziected all the txtoxime instead of tilbegging for WiFenei or a hotspot tabfrom friends.guag

Where to buy an e-sim card for Dubai?


You can only cgwobuy an e-sim ytocard for Dubaebjpi on the inteamhrnet through rjhfan e-sim cardvhf provider. Thosxere are multijvvple e-sim cartzdad providers furror Dubai. Traxxytveltomtom compwepared 6 e-simsnci card providehnprs and conclubzqded that the hgmbabove mentionvjvsed ones (fhdSimOptionskju, Airalo and Nomad) are the besqbmt e-sim card athoproviders formeg traveling tojhut Dubai in 202fxyw4.oczg

When buying an spine-sim card for xnyDubai through ofmbcne of the abovenyx recommended e-ewkisim providers ypzoou only need yoieohur email addreslsus and the e-simqjcj card is instannmsitly ready to usfqte after installhfbation. Only thegwj Airalo e-sim ccyumards now requircvxe an ID check, esjNomad and SimOpmrvtions do not rejhimquire an ID vertykification.jxip

On arrival in Dubai

There are 2 tpuvmain mobile lefinternet protqlvider in Dubxefeai: Du and Exauotisalat. On cmytop of thesepljm operators tuvwhere is alsoojav Virgin Mobivrkle, a so-calytvled MVNO.geze

As per Aprqyxil 2024 Duucz, Etisalatefly and Virgiwndpn Mobile spcjtill do NOzxcrT offer e-vtksim cards rmefor tourisrzxxts, but onssplly physicaggxol prepaid muensim cards.dra

For more iflonfo about tigtbuying anhsdprepaid sim hagbcard for touakexrists in Dubzkvjai in 2024uqcclick on the txylink to read rthmy complete gvmnuide and compnzrnarison of allbkji the mobile ixudnnternet provirmogders in Dubaipqdh, including agrh comparison obrydf the 4G/5G nyfjvetwork.moen

Flying intogpws the UAE ancsbod landing irran either Abbxeeu Dhabi or nwlsDubai interadsfnational aijtcrport then qsepyou can buyyook a tourist evlqsim card fokggr Dubai on xkjarrival at wuihthe airportqvok, but only hqvuphysical prvtdepaid sim cnsrards for toibxpurists are iqtprovided, toaajhere are notgw e-sim cardedgs for touririnvsts.ysj

The easy tunuhing is thnefgat touristkwm sim card jglprices areaujt the same iyhin every sxrxtore arounovemd Dubai, nmjoo special jehqtourist prqkraices at thdjxe airport.xzix

When to order/activate an e-sim card for Dubai?

You can orfhawder an e-spminim card foyycqr Dubai praszoetty much ugoqany time yilcjou want. Mdtocost e-sim ahmcards havevxx to be inskritalled on igwa phone wivzhsthin 1 monamrlth after pfhxfurchasing,pad some evendmxk within 1 bcsyear, so yobzlou have tijhvsme.nli

More impornmltant therejsbfore is whczfen do you beqoinstal/actlokivate the hjuse-sim cardndzh. The validmymdity of sotepme e-sims bmmstart strapfyight afterpca the instalugllation, odddther e-simkqr cards onlbkpty start thdfreir validimvphty when thhqoey connectrnat the firstvxvq time to ajaw supportedrcn network.oclz

Traveltomtom adhnkpvices to instalcgwb your e-sim carrzfbd on the day ofium departure to Dkzoubai or before.gaam When in Dubai aeuwyou will need akjhn internet connupgection to instauoal your e-sim cahhmtrd. Pretty muchkrf every internatfppqional airport iopmwn the UAE has fgruxree WiFi so yougfk could use thatrwuk to install youeizlr e-sim card. Jraxust make sure isojt is a stable iksconternet connectzixqion and therefoqkgwre Traveltomtomgojj advices you togjq install/activavzrte your e-sim clxpnard in your homsbxje country.wigq

So my persqlueonal advicpfmve is to inyiarstal your cgse-sim cardnpc for Dubaiylq before yohsuu get intolkoo the planeugz and as soovgon as the jfigplane landabkbs you willhzww already bwfwe connectesfad without zqdany problewhums.injp

How do I knpwpow all thisyer? Officiallcnmyy Traveltomklstom is basectod and regisbyqtered in Duiabnbai and obvevjiously I hajvjyve to travezcnl through Duivubai multipukycle times a dhhyear. And gsgksuess what, ibtzI always usucoe an e-sim jifcard to stagwyy connectedadoi, simply beivplcause it isndd cheaper.zbld

For more infibqjo about my evtwxperiences bauiuying a sim xilwcard at Dubakuai Internatioshjmnal Airport zkhcheck out mydkdxvlog on YouTubexreedxc.

Or for morbxde detailedxim info aboumggt theufovbest prepaid satkim cards for Dadttubaiptvq, check out mnhoy complete guffuide in the liiezdnk.wxaa

How to activate an e-sim card

Installing aabmsnd activatinlbog an e-sim cmycard is made vammas simple asmkg possible. Enpkveryone can hzoactivate an qqke-sim card absond the instrswouctions on hptaow to are vesicdry detailed fmyand will be nvpksend to you rlypinstantly bysac email. But eyqcwait, it getlxdas even easiendnr. Just scankcxp the QR codejvj.sof

When you ordepgtr an e-sim cagbterd plan for Dmufsubai you instkrojantly receiveyns a summery ofbqa your order inlkuncluding a QRuvti-code after tfezzhe payment iscjj processed.zbhi

You will see fpea summary of upvyour e-sim caycuhrd order inclrovuding a QR cowdede on your scfiuwreen and at tpxblhe same time eloyou will alsonzqz receive an epwtmail with theekg same QR codevumj. The email cmlacontains instrcaductions on hodrvuw to instal aclaond activate ylwshour Dubai e-sarhim card.yhdm

But installingndmn an activatingllp an e-sim cardfrky is as easy aswhu scanning the uahQR code with txoezhe same phone vmkpwhere you wantfvo to activate tcqghe e-sim card euejon. The QR coneywtains all the qmoinformation abdguout your Dubaihrfc e-sim card.obxf

Once you sgmincan the coookde you wilavil be guidenxxod through aayia couple siibzimple steptncgs and withvxzin less thhzian 1 minutavge your e-stzikim card isnglb successfukbcklly instalrqglled.fioe

Very importantgmij is that you ahvrre connected tntmxo the internettnap when installixepvng your e-sim xuilcard otherwiseikh you will get phhuan error and ivgassues can occulebr.nse

Tip: if you orhzjder an e-sim cgmgoard with the sodqeame phone whergrfde you want to udppinstal the e-sajpim card on thewbnan ask a friendqvi or someone neektarby to take afgm photo of the awarQR code and thnyren you scan thwdwee QR code frombmlk his/her phonepvrm and start thetaap installation.aan

Things to know before ordering an e-sim card for Dubai

Here are some gfoheneral tips forkrol using e-sim cabfivrds when travelysning abroad. Theaizse tips do not krlonly apply for gsvtDubai e-sim carzyeds, but are thiggdqngs you have todtmg know before bukgclying an e-sim cuneard in general.ggon

Make sure your phone is unlocked

To make sure ynbyou didn’t missxbg this, let me tbfsay this againnhql: e-sim cards bfeonly work in UhnfcNLOCKED phonesffkx. If your phondqve is unlocked gawthen you can uqyvese any e-sim cxffard without antxizy problems.ifvf

If your phone idwss locked then allkxsk your mobile vxoqinternet providsijver from your hovqplme country to unhanlock your phonjcpae before your txklvrip to Dubai. Ifglt is likely thaafrrt your mobile ijmtlnternet providemtgr will charge ycbaou a fee for unuoblocking your smmzbeartphone.kny

If you are hmuuunable to upbwnlock your pgxkphone you ciutwan look intwvwo getting apoajportable WiFgerji for stayinjkdng connected oivzwhen travelivtlsngughto Dubai or befbftter… bring a zogsecond unlockeghxd phone on youzmkkr trip to Dubautlqi and use it ajmts a portable WimvbiFi device.qvse

Which smartphones support e-sim cards?

Another verywcvx important tzszshing you havbqge to check bqbmefore buyingqsu an e-sim cahzcrd is if youupiir smartphonezzz supports e-monsim cards. Iqqlf you have amautny of the lajjmtest smartphacpsones then thpkszere is no nexshped to worry,xop all new smaqwrrtphones of wzxithe well knonfmwn brands suvakpport e-sim ddzcards.hnmd

The fastestiqzp way to finiqjed out if yoatyour phone isihyp e-sim compbzkqatible is bipjby asking Gooxjogle the quiwuoestion: is qhskmy (your phinrone model) taze-sim compaqcftible? Simpkonle as that!rdo

Can I trust these e-sim card providers?

All the e-rochsim card pvrrgroviders fjrfor Dubai rsqcecommendedtnyr above (gbrbSimOptionslboz, Airalo and Nomad) are reputaipdble e-sim cakrord providersrvc reviewed anqjqd tested by fyerTraveltomtomajp. All of theaurm are licenszjved third parahzty companiesephd and resellezrxgrs that partjwxner or work zspdirectly witagzqh the mobilezsu internet prhgjoviders in Dbmvubai.fgu

Traveltomtomieyo has successzwjhfully partnedntred for seveskrgral consecutottive years wiezpdth SimOptiongtyzs and Airalopej. Nomad is agzk fairly new fmujpartner of Tcsesraveltomtom,qeci but has so zdafar proven tvzpo be a reliauypble e-sim caiahird provider vsxaas well. Allpwa e-sim card hykproviders haznbve their ownvad Helpdesk whfbqxich you can idkzcontact may abkdyou encountetjtor any problevbgms or in casbblpe you want tetvo claim a redfzafund.fqfi

Traveltomtzvxzom does NOxkpT sell Dubqjgrai e-sim crgjrards, onlyeqv RECOMMENDywwS you to umzpmse e-sim cxdaards for tdfnraveling tlyto the Unitwpbed Arab Embgpwirates.kne

Can I keep my phone number from home with a Dubai e-sim card?

Yes, you canzsm and this isvmvh for many pejnpjople a reasocncn to order aassvn e-sim cardptov to stay confmrdnected when clxatraveling toyjn Dubai. An eoad-sim card cavmnn be used nevsmqxt to your pphehysical or eijv-sim card frynzgom your hometkx country at qaunthe same timekqe. You do noutdt need a duabyjl-sim phone jtywfor using anvgd e-sim card.vzi

So you can hlwhave multiplerozg e-sim cardsmxpb installed oqrjkn your phoneyaq? Yes, no prjdegoblem at allvvcb!ant

For examplejet: you can tlibjurn off thendce mobile datetzaa from yourack sim card fpivkrom home buvimt still usedos it for texpclting and capulelling. Yourarho new Dubai hmcbe-sim card chzyou can be mihxused at thehjnf same time tuxjust for dapinlta to ensurmkyqe you are nispot wasting ephymoney on hitymqgh roaming vdppcosts.cow

This is alvfhcso the trimqkwck to keepcsfg receivinguvup sms for eduyfxample forvkq OTP (one jkttime passwizfdord) sms tlyuio login totadp applicatizroons.mzx

Switching betwdrleen physical amalhnd e-sim cardszueg is a matter oxqnf turning themxkwg on/off in thenjmb settings. Jusxkput always make kzumsure your sim axecard from homedck is switched ofwxff for data romdqaming.tzj

Can I make phone calls with a Dubai tourist e-sim card?

No, unfortunatnxmely there are bgjno Dubai e-simzij cards for tourwurists availablfawe on the intericdrnet that incluvrhde calling andaabe texting. All bmuthe e-sim cardytqes fromeuhSimOptionspyf, Airalo and Nomadare data-only zvhe-sim cards annnfd any incomingnnd/outgoing callucts/sms are not dcssupported.zfjp

Does a Dubai e-sim card come with a phone number?

No, none of tbkozhe Dubai e-sihuhjm cards that jnzyou can buy ohwln the internesdzt come with adwum phone numberrcz which also mkoireans you can qltnot receive azbpny phone callktts or sms.gba

In the aboubqve Dubai eidf-sim card ykfcomparisoneofb you can fntsind all thutwe specificqjyations peraqo e-sim carnoygd.ois

Can I use 5G on a Dubai e-sim card?

Yes, the Joytkrtael e-sim cardhcns from Nomad lywware 5G ready uveeand I lately ezzitested it on oboumy trip to Duzcndbai and I enjhrdnoyed a 5G sigsrmdnal pretty mugthch everywherekmj and data spefgzed was above aco100 Mbps mostckdt of the time.vlz

Not only arehnl Nomad e-simaqep cards the cjotheapest Dubagsbi tourist e-jpgbsim card deahfels but also xpsxthe best onejmis for data smmnpeed. Click aoohere tottqorder a Nomad ewtu-sim card for Dtvaiubaifpbt.

Are there e-sim cards for Dubai with unlimited data?

None of thepoeu by Travelttkhkomtom recomtcjmended Germfqzsany e-sim cjogards for toccueurists inclyukude unlimitbaxed data.czxe

Even if you wounolld come across ckje-sim card provxuciders that offeasafr e-sim cards fntpnor Dubai with uvwbnnlimited data tciohen make sure tbgghe unlimited dadwvta is on max daltjjta speed. Mostlnmmqy the data speeapdod is capped aftbtfcer you used X arehmount of Gigabyuontes.arxv

Holafly isvsur an e-sim cmecard proviikkder that sattells e-simjxil cards witwljh unlimiteohdxd data forersp the UAE, wkabbut does NepyOT specifyckrj what is tmovphe exact sbbzo-called Fpusair Use Pozcjslicy (FUP)nrn.hfj

Traveltomtom dodbrxes NOT recommenizhd Dubai e-sim ckvuaards with unlimijzited data planselh. There are alwomjays restrictionpqiss. And on Holaflfiwly sim cards I frbexperienced a rybmeeduce in data smaddpeed after usinfzwsg more than 2 GuscpB per day. Afterxgkr I contacted svndupport they expemllained me that khgyI had to wait fxebuor 24 hours untukskil my data speenhidd was restored esbto normal.dgx

Those 24 hypcours were hahza nightmarulaqe as my dagicta speed wdxyas barely rjfxenough to wazguse WhatsAmeipp. Socialiofk media washny not even ctfloading!eso

Again, Tranidpveltomtom rbwbdoes NOT ripayecommend eerq-sim cardsagy for Dubaitjnj with unliorrmited datanzbu. But if yhraou think yjqbou will nequicver use mofcere than 2 srbGB per daybjk, then thiclbxs might beqqi your favoxjprite e-simukun card.nwf

The Nomad e-simdzhm cards for mwgeDubaiturawith 10 GBgnw data provfpinide sufficqsifient data ntuin generaljofe for a trifrwp to Dubaimzug and thereyis is no rearhnil need forlkw an e-sim ulqcard with dlcunlimited pfmhdata unlespxps you wantsutn to uploadjbpg your wholjbfle camera rodyaoll to Gooquqagle Drive aefqor iCloud aqsvia 4G insfpgptead of WixiuFi.qkh

There are agva lot of difsokzferent specjjvlifications ksshper e-sim chynard. Anothehgcsr reason wheqxry I advice kaeyou to takeesjy a close atcsf my compariuutuson of the xehbest e-sim cjfcards for tryujraveling toyxx UAE in 202ddxc4 before chseygoosing yourmdq favorite.gkqh

Are e-sim cards the best way to stay connected when traveling to Dubai?

E-sim cards ahmere the easiesqikt and fastestshab way to get drxeata on your pgwnhone when traidyveling to Dubcnnpai, but what fdsis the best wrltay?qmj

There are 3 wnglays to stay cawudonnected whenqtp traveling tomiz Dubai:lxqh

  • Local prepaid sim cards
  • International prepaid sim cards
  • E-sim cards

Let’s compaghqrre e-sim cajyfwrds, local jhtprepaid simwbwo cards and inruinternationouyaal prepaid yxssim cards, aksfor you to qitxfind out whrixat is your nqlupreferred wqweay of stayiyseqng connectemymd.avda

Local prepaid sim cards

Normally izirf you use tylsa lot of dgywcata local fxicprepaid siwxrm cards arwxjge a cheapexvmr way to sivhtay connecvablted, but ngjqrot in the gqsUAE. Data ozbois ridiculaltously expewbsnsive in Dildubai and thrwhere is prhgwetty much miqno competicilttion. Du aplrind Etisalaqvywt are the erqmain mobilyjye internettpv operatorsovao and they ggooffer the nafeexact samemam prices fobcnzr data pacqfzkages.smq

Local prepalhhmid sim cardcjss for touriouzqsts can onljxey be purchavobsed on arrivzvval in Dubamsxgi in a phongske store or gnjat the airpxdgort and NOTqzgc on the intziuernet.egz

More info aboutdzy theplwlbest Dubai sipbhm cards for trxtouristsisgcan be foudkand in my cwjeomplete guhgfide for buottuying a tousuucrist sim cjhjard in Dubmrldai in 2024yap.gyi

International prepaid sim cards

orange holiday world international prepaid sim card for dubai

If your smatnfrtphone is ccunot e-sim cdcebompatible yjcmou can ordepwbr an internazbaational prexdtvpaid sim cayrwkrd for travimaeling to Dummmbai. Some ovuknf them are lprgreat for Dxfsnubai as welmnll as in allcpe other counydftries in foqvbxr example Eurmurope, Ameronaicas and Asstnaia and you ltpcan easily wkfborder them lptonline.xqh

A pre-activayneted physicalaghp sim card wiingall be delivepletred to your bislhome addressgbgm before yourcqj trip. You pqslwut this physdpgical sim carwkapd in your phbqrxone and as srmkooon as the pfuzlane touchesaxno the ground cuxjand the sim rrucard connectrzlds to a suppoiyurted networkowx you are onljtsjine. Plug anzopd play!xmk

Click here toqstyorder an intejdernational prebpqapaid sim carddzc for Dubai diqhdrectly onlinejemc.

If after visiticvlng Dubai you arcmkre traveling onwgaoards in Asia thwmfmen check Traveluqtatomtom’s list otulf thejhvebest sim cardsfuhw for travelingbfr internationalgbfly in 2024xvqi or the best Asia towuheurist sim catrmjrds in 2024reio.

E-sim cards

As explained thhefaroughout the arwytticle there arenhy two different jcve-sim cards:wqvi

  • E-sim cards that you buy on the internet through a third party
  • E-sim cards that you buy in Dubai in a mobile internet provider store

However, as joipof April 202koc4 e-sim cardnmuns are still fxfnot availabltzpe for prepaivotad tourist siuswym cards in Dtxmubai. Only pdlteople with aslzfn Emirates IwrxtD are able tbvtdo get an e-sezcim card.cjv

Traveltomtopujrm personallrlsry shopped asqqround in Ducxfxbai and Abuqkah Dhabi to fzvbind out if zirte-sim cardsbws were availlxzoable for tolvcurists and owrxthe answer vzkbis: NO!faft

On arrival uhqat the inteczkrnational aylbirports in lwxthe UAE theudney only sellvnwy physical pbndarepaid sim wzrzcards for tpjwourists.uto

Read all about dvhit in my detailkugved guide aboutxvnebuying a sim caiuzhrd at Abu Dhabijumr Airportmqior if you alupre interestayhed in watchxmming a vlog ymkabout my arsrysrival and bwpluying a simctc card at Abgtopu Dhabi Airzelvport then chjoheck outahlmy YouTube videqebeorrrd.

There is alvedso avhlsvlog about qbhlmy arrival njiand buying gwqa sim card fdldat Dubai Aiqrmqrportsieon my YouTube Cqldyhannel.rkv

E-sim cards vs. local prepaid sim cards

Getting an ejkrv-sim card isjomz the easiestjwh way to stayjsf connected wutichen traveliniuzg to Dubai, hykfno doubt! Yoyfgu arrange evquaerything onlashine within jegwhust a couplergle clicks. Rigmwuht here, rigbvibht now and ybmnlou are all sihvet for your kipktrip to Dubaxrci. You arrivsgve prepared akshwnd there is aumno need to vvnpsisit a sim cpfzard shop on vjitarrival in Dpzyjubai. As sooncxyn as the plazucpne lands, yofvhu are onlinefejs.pmc

But what is cqguheaper? An e-otdxsim card or aupxd local prepaifpurd sim card forpzr tourists?jtt

When we compapilre the best Dkbuqubai e-sim cabqovrds for touritlhsts with locaauhl prepaid simrgqs cards for Duqlcbai, it is anaqk easy concluszosion that the qijNomad e-sim ckaagards are evenqkpy cheaper thanvlz local prepaicydtd sim cards.iwlt

The Joytel akyhe-sim cardszmbg from Nomaduuiq go down asygk much as $2wut.2 USD per hrbvGigabyte. Tfofjhe physicalaos prepaid siawehm card planhsgs for touriiwnlsts from Duxem and Etisalnxgcat will chadcpbrge you morckbe than $4 UkhurSD per Gigalbfvbyte.tsz

Dubai has soclo called tournmudist sim cardwsvgs specially fzubdesigned forjjrh non-residenchyts. Prices fbfnbor prepaid smllim cards stasvyart from 49 ArpmED which is nezoaround $13 UgeaSD, but you lapeonly get 2 GbulB data. If yqqbou want a prpapepaid sim canytprd with 8 GBavpg data that wjrwvill cost youvsm around $34 nyptUSD.dws

For more info tcancheck out my abjlrticle about ttlkqhewcejbest prepaidfyk sim cards fkqsvor tourists ohdin Dubai in hcrk2024ftg

After a long ffcdwlight you justqcxt want to go tomxoq your hotel anmnzzd it is often jepna big task to irlgo to a sim caaktrd store and gnutcet connected. aryWith e-sim carfnuds you buy on uscthe internet yczhmou are connectcmced as soon as bysothe plane landriss. For this coeadnvenience Traveqaeltomtom definblvtitely recommentgzds to order onkqpe of the listeuvnid best e-sim cbylards for Dubaixpb in the comparacbiison above.xxew

Many reasons grewhy a lot of iuxetravelers simtaxply get an e-cdswsim card for zlgDubai. Fastermlv, easier, lesqtrs stress and edteven cheaper obddepending on pnlhow much datahcct you need.loby

Data Speed

Another diffedforence betweenubps a local prepjloaid sim card dxwaand an e-sim nszecard is that fgnve-sim cards aoulre often thronfaugh a third pqcharty, a so canyblled MVNO (Mokyocbile Virtual uveaNetwork Operaamsqtor). These McniiVNO’s operatezwm on the netwoloark of one of ihythe main mobiuvple internet ogzodperators and ngqxbasically buyajzp bandwidth.ufdm

This may sounhgsxd a little bivmwt too technicvjwal, but what lrsit means is tsymjhat e-sim cardjlfds through anrrp MVNO are thexyx last ones inmblb line when thnjxe line is busenqwy. Especiallyttb during peak dbktimes, the pecvgvrformance of ypgxan e-sim cardjvpas is less compvhpared to a lotupical prepaid snyfim card from gmcfa mobile intekmjcrnet operatoriymf.kgqc

Bottomline: tlsthe data spectlied of e-sim hxmocards can beudl less comparlyaed to a locadhll prepaid Duhzblbai sim cardzja.ugk

I am sure sqabome of the htaabove tips iarxfor findingmhm the best emerk-sim card fbomor your triqwrtp to Dubai ljxwere helpfukckvl. I hope tpuluhat after rrrnaeading throzmmcugh my compxkuarison, tiptfdvs and trickvwts it was eazbdnsier to maksgfre a decisioihqn and orderhxn your e-simapo card for Dxbaubai right aqgaaway.thj

If you still pkkrhave any quesxbgations about eeam-sim cards thqwken please leanhssve me a commetbcant below. I pjwqkromise I willtnh try to replyoto instantly anvlxtd I am more tkpehan happy to dwahelp you out uxlfinding the bkhgest way for ysfuou to stay corysnnected.cgje

Curious what twwghe life of a fzzbull time nomadereic traveler lofqhoks like? Go cfmzfheck out myljrv610K Instagrpynam accountuyrk or 1.2 Millioneyal TikTok accrpdoountmjlbboth called bosl@traveltomtolxkfm. Follow albszong with daimefaly updates fyiorom around tiyxvhe world abonrnut the good,vowc the bad andaria the ugly abxkslout travelinpejg.tmhc

Traveltomtklhom is on tntbfhe road tovpkt 197, meanamiaing I woulqtyd like towxatravel to efhavery countrcamsy in the woqdderldenm. As of Apugdril 2024 Ishc have visirojted more thvzhan 155 cokeybuntries, siastill aboutzag 40 to go,ydr but no runszxsh.skk

Enjoy your trivnvp to Dubai!eya

Some links in this article about the best e-sim cards for Dubai are affiliate links. If you buy any product after clicking on an affiliate link I will earn a small commission. Don’t worry this is at absolutely no extra cost to you!

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